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This manual and the application will use terms/words that may require some explanation. You will find a list of some of these terms/words together with an explanation below.



An aspect is master data that can be used to create hour bookings. Aspects can be given a name so that it fits in with terminology used within your organisation, such as Customer, Product, Project, Activity and Phase.



see Web browser.


Cloud database

Is a database located on the internet..



A file which stores all data, may also be called Administration.


File server

A computer within a network onto which files can be stored.



Modules are parts of the application and each module has its own functionality.


Time slot

A time slot is a period within a day between two set times.



A URL is a structured name that refers to a piece of data, such as an internet address.


User defined fields

User-defined fields can be used to attach additional information to aspects and hour bookings. TimeWriter Professional includes an unlimited number of user fields. For these user-defined fields, names can be set up, whether or not a field is mandatory and some type-dependent settings of how user field data should be displayed.


Web browser

A program used to view pages on the internet, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.