What is TimeWriter?

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What is TimeWriter?

TimeWriter allows you to quickly and efficiently register hours worked and allocate them to customers or products. The easy to use Week grid lets you schedule hourly bookings/appointments. Hourly bookings can include multiple details. These can be predetermined data, but can also be free work descriptions. The reporting function can be used to produce clear overviews of hours worked over random time periods.


Unique TimeWriter Professional properties

Some of the unique properties of TimeWriter Professional include:

Intended for use from (approx.) 25 up to a 1000 concurrent users.

Simply create hourly bookings in the Week grid or the Fixed hours list.

Maximum of 5 booking contexts.

Enter data in user defined fields for master data and hourly bookings.

Use of tariff agreements.

Clear default reports and possibility to design own reports.

Using groups. According to choice, rights can be assigned individually or based on groups.

Module access. Assign access rights to modules (screens), per employee or employee group.

Approval, managers can approve and lock time records.

Terminology can be matched to that commonly used within the organisation.

Desktop client for Windows and OS-X (Mac).

Web client for all platforms and mobile devices.