Time slot details

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Time slot details

Every hourly booking always falls within a time slot on one day and only includes a number of recognisable characteristics such as Date, From, To, Aspects (see Customer, Product and Activity in example below) and possibly also extra details under User fields, such as Remark and Kilometers.






Used to select a day of the week.

From / To

Used to change start- and end times of hourly bookings. The arrow keys can be used to increase or decrease the time slot by minimum time units. Times can also be entered by using the keyboard.


Duration equals the difference between the start- and end times. Duration is calculated automatically if start and / or end times change. It is also possible to alter start- and end times and in this case the new durations will also be calculated automatically.


The role (group) must be set when an employee is a member of one or more groups which can be applied to authorisations.


(e.g. Customer, Product and Activity in the example above)

Used to enter the previously entered aspects. Click on the arrow button to open the list and select the required aspect. TIP: Use the search box above the list. The list will then be limited to those aspects that contain typed in text.


Use this to type in free text, for example the type of work done.


Use this to enter the traveled distance in kilometers.



The Aspects and User fields categories both contain a button reset. Click this button to respectively reset (delete) any of the previously entered aspect or user field data.


Excluding breaks

If a booking is saved and the time period includes a break, the program can ask whether the booking should be split. If the answer is affirmative, the time slot can be divided or shortened to reflect the preset break periods.

Note: This question is only asked if when ‘Do not book on lunch break’ is activated in Maintenance and settings | Settings | Week grid when making bookings and the time slot covers a break period.



Once a time slot has been saved all of its details can be checked from within the Week grid. Time slot details for the current selected hourly booking will be shown on the right. Additional information that is displayed includes:


If overhead is ticked for one of the aspects, the hourly booking will also become overhead.


Displays the calculated tariff and the name of the Tariff agreement that applies to the hourly booking.

Approval level

This shows until which level the hourly booking is approved.