Recurring tasks

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Recurring tasks

In TimeWriter it is possible to create weekly recurring tasks. This recurring tasks option is only an aid to create hourly bookings in a every new week. The recurring tasks will not appear in the reports and will not be count in the week total, until they are added to the selected week. They are no real bookings yet.  


Manage recurring tasks

Go to the weekgrid for creating and editing recurring tasks and click on the button Taks.


In a new window you can define the recurring tasks, as they must recur every week (just like in the weekgrid).

In this same screen, the Add all tasks button allows these defined recurring tasks to be added to the week grid of the selected week.


Add recurring tasks

If the current week does not have any booking yet, TimeWriter will suggest to add the recurring tasks. It is also possible to add the recurring tasks at any time by opening the recurring tasks screen again and pressing the Add all tasks button.