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This manual and the application will use terms/words that may require some explanation. You will find a list of some of these terms/words together with an explanation below.



An archive is a copy of a TimeWriter administration. An archive can be created via the \control\ControlPanelPro program. (see Archive database). An existing archive can be opened in TimeWriter by choosing menu option: File | Open archive. In the status bar you will see red text appear in the left bottom corner with the archive title that is currently open. The open archive can be edited in the same way as the main (Default) administration.



An aspect is master data that can be used to create hour bookings. Aspects can be given a name so that it fits in with terminology used within your organisation, such as Customer, Product, Project, Activity and Phase.



see Web browser.


Cloud database

Is a database located on the internet. See Local database, Local server or Cloud database for more information.



A file which stores all data, may also be called Administration.


File server

A computer within a network onto which files can be stored.


Local database

A database on your own computer or within a local network. See Local database, Local server or Cloud database for further information.


Local server

The database and the server application on an own server. See Local database, Local server or Cloud database for further information.



Modules are parts of the application and each module has its own functionality.


Time slot

A time slot is a period within a day between two set times.


Web browser

A program used to view pages on the internet, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.



A URL is a structured name that refers to a piece of data, such as an internet address.


User defined fields

User-defined fields can be used to attach additional information to aspects and hour bookings. TimeWriter Professional includes an unlimited number of user fields. For these user-defined fields, names can be set up, whether or not a field is mandatory and some type-dependent settings of how user field data should be displayed.