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At Maintenance and settings | Invoicing | Invoicing you can edit the settings for invoicing.


Order number

By default, the order number starts with 1 and will by increased by 1 for every new order. Here you set the order number (starting) value.


Invoice number

By default, the invoice number starts with 1 and will by increased by 1 for every new invoice. Here you set the invoice number (starting) value.


Invoice specification report

Select the report to be used for printing an invoice specification.

Note: The selection list only contains the default Invoice specification report and own reports based on a copy of this default report. The default Invoice specification report can be found in module Reports; report group Default reports; sub group Invoice reports.


Invoice travel costs

Set here, if travel costs are registered, if they have to be invoiced.


Invoice expenses

Set here, if expenses are registered, if they have to be invoiced.


VAT% expenses

Entering expenses is always an amount including VAT. However, invoicing is based on amounts excluding VAT. Specify here at which VAT percentage the expense amount excluding VAT should be calculated.



Here you can enter the currency symbol for PDF invoices (e.g. €) and the currency code for UBL invoices (e.g. EUR).