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Personal preferences


Set up language to be used (English or Dutch).

Date notation

The way in which dates are to be represented.

Date separator

The symbol to be used between day, month and year (- or /).

Time notation

24-hour notation or 12-hour notation (with AM/PM).

Decimal separator

If a comma appears in a number, this separation symbol will be used.

Application behavior

Automatically solve overlaps

Set here how you want to solve overlapping bookings when saving a new or changed booking:


Always solve automatically. The application will try to solve overlaps by rearranging the bookings top down. If there are conflicts a warning will be shown and saving is canceled.


Never solve automatically, allow overlaps.

Always ask

Ask if the overlap(s) should be solved automatically Yes/No


When the program is being used, various screen settings will be saved, such as screen locations, selected module, column widths in tables, splitter positions and most recently chosen reporting period.


It is possible for these details to cause problems in program functioning or create a minor problem and need to be reset again. To reset, click on Reset personal layout data.

Ctrl+F5 can sometimes solve problems too.