Week list

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Week list

As an alternative for the week grid you can enter bookings by using the week list. The week list is particularly suitable when you have to enter a lot of short hour bookings. The size of the time slots in the week list are of fixed size and not dependent on the duration of the hour booking. As a result you will still have a good overview when there are lots of bookings visible.



Functionality of the buttons in the button bar is the same as in the week grid.


In the week list you can not create or edit bookings by creating, increasing or decreasing a time slot. Every day column contains, below any existing bookings, a button WeeklijstNieuw. With this button you can create a new booking for the day concerned, directly following any bookings previously made. Editing of an hour booking can be done by using the Edit button or by double clicking the hour booking.


Moving or copying of hour bookings can be done in the same way as in the week grid. When doing so, pay attention to the time entries. The application will try to automatically edit the bookings in the best possible way, based on any previously made bookings and the available free time slots.